Studios & Gear

We understand how important it is for music students to choose a place to study that can truly offer the variety and quantity of resources required to hone your skills and maximise your study time and employment opportunities.

Music students at the University of Hertfordshire have access to a stunning array of well-maintained resources and facilities aligned to industry standards.

Explore our studios and gear specifications…

STUDIO 1: We are very proud to be able to introduce you to Studio One, our world-class flagship recording studio based around a 32 input Neve Genesys Black recording console and PMC IB2-SA active main monitors (read more)

STUDIO 2: Welcome to Studio Two. The smaller, more intimate nature of this space (compared to Studio One), hides its incredibly well controlled acoustic and its ability to punch well above its weight (read more)

CRITICAL LISTENING: Our Critical Listening Room gives students the ability to mix and master their work in a well isolated and dedicated environment with Adams Monitors and Neumann 5.1 surround monitoring systems available (read more)

EDIT & MONITOR SUITES: In these comfortable facilities you will find powerful dual-monitor Mac computers utilising multiple Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) and an excellent range of the best, and most relevant, audio plug-in processors and instruments (read more)

LABS & MORE: Our two ‘Mac-Labs’ provide students with access to high-spec iMacs with an enviable suite of music software. Each machine is equipped with a Novation Launchkey MIDI keyboard and a second display (read more)

LIVE SOUND & LIGHTING STAGE: This teaching space has been designed to accurately model a large, highly-specified and modern live venue, with the exception that the central audience space has been scaled down (read more)